Saturday, October 13, 2012

50 Shades of Grey

I've debated reviewing this book only because I have not finished it. That being said I will give my opinion on the first 11 chapters. 
Bottom line, I don't care. Beyond the fact that is a an easy, breezy read (I have read very well written erotica, Sleeping Beauty Trilogy anyone?) I just don't care about the characters. 
A 21 year old virgin meets a late twenty-something year old billionaire, and then the story unfolds. I should be looking forward to rushing through this book but the sad fact is Christian Grey is too much work for me.  It may be because I am currently in the dating scene myself and am trying to avoid men like him. Issues, issues,issues. I can see the appeal of this book to women who have been with the same man for years. 
To them it may be exciting.
 To me it is work.
 Unfolding the layers of another man is more work than I can handle. 
I may try to reread it when my life is in a more mundane place.